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For New Admissions PG 2024new:
Academic Session of PG Batch 2024 will start from 20/12/2024. For notice, Click Here.
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Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical Colelge Hospital: The Project Profile
The Government of Assam has, by notification, constituted 'Society for Medical Education, Barpeta,' Assam for establishment and overall management of affairs of a new Medical College at Barpeta and to dedicate the same to the people of Assam. Smti. Syeda Anwara Taimur, former Chief Minister of Assam. Smti. Syeda Anwara Taimur, former Chief Minister of Assam, is the Chairperson of the Society. The Public Works Deparment (Building), Assam has been enrusted to take up the task of setting up the infrastructure of the Project. The Government of Assam and the Society for Medical Education, Barpeta decided to undertake the establishment of the new Medical College at Barpeta in accordanc e with the designs prepared and finalized through consultancy. On the way of progress: To build an intergrated campus capable of housing the necessary infrastructure the Governemnt of Assam decided to aquire land from private owners for the college. According, land acquisition started vide Govt. Notification No.HLB.238/2005/4, dated 20.09.2005 and 125 bighas of land was acquired. Meanwhile Vice Principal Gauhati Medical College, was allowed to hold the responsibility of Principal-cum-Chief Superintendent, Barpeta Medical College on 8th August, 2005. In his tenure the process of land acquisition was completed. The 'Bhumi Puja' was performed and on the auspicious day of 11th February, 2006 the foundation stone of the Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College & Hospital was laid down by Hon'ble Chairperson of UPA Smti. Sonia Gandhi. Though National Competative Bidding, Architect Consultants were appointed on hehalf of the Society for Medical Education, Barpeta by the state Public Works Department. The architects M/s Technicaliya Consultants Pvt. Ltd. Chennai were entrusted with the preparation of the concept plan and master plan of the college. After approval of the plans and drwings PWD has entrusted construction works to M/s Engineering Projects (India) Ltd. which has also collaborated M/s Shree Gautam Construction Pvt. Ltd. Paltan Bazar, Guwahati in the construction works of the college. Prof. (Dr) D. Hazarika joined as the next Principal of the college on 25th June, 2007 and it is in his tenure the construction works started on the sacred day of 19th December, 2008. The construction work was inaugurated by the Deputy Commissioner of Barpeta Shri Phanidhar Kalita. The construction works took a momentum by the constant supervision, guidance and advice of the Hon'ble Minister of Health & Family Welfare Dr. Himanta Biswa Sarma, Dr. Parthajyoti Gogoi, Regional Director, Health & F.W. Govt. of India has been supervising the progress of the works from time to time. Prof. (Dr.) K.C. Saikia joined as the third Principal-cum-Cheif Superintendent of the college and hospital on 3rd November, 2010 and his constant supervision and hard work has accelerated the pace of construction of the college to the present shape. Prof. (Dr) R K Kalita of Physiology Depatment has taken the charge as the first Superintendent of the hospital on 10th December, 2010. The College: The Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College, located at Jotigaon, Jania Road, Barpeta shall be a college for 100 admissions as per norms of the Medical Council of India. It shall have 22 departments including Anatomy, Physiology, Biochmistry, Pharmacology, Pathology, Microbiology, Community Medicine and Forensic Medicine. The clinical departments shall be Medicine, Surgery, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Eye, ENT, Orthopaedics. Paediatrics, Dermatology, Phychiatry, T.B. & Chest, Radiology, Physical Medicince and Rehabilitation and Anaesthesiologu. In course of time the college will develop as a post Graduate college with courses in differenct specialities. Various nursing course and peramedical course will also start in time with the medical college as the training centre. The college shall have a well organized, modern computerized library for 100 students and staff with journal section, reference section, e-library and interenet facilities. It shall have 4 air-conditioned lecture halls, research rooms, administratrive block, college council room, medical education unit, examination hall, cafeteria for students, common rooms, gymnasium, swimming pool, auditorium, central photographic section, statistical unit, central incineration plant, gas plant, animal house, central workshop, mortuary block and guset house. The Hospital The Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College & Hospital shall have a 500 bedded ultramodern Hospital that shall incorporate the following: * A full fledged scientifically designed OPD complex for all departments with adequate waiting space for partients and attendants. * A 24 hours Emergency wing designed and equipped to deal with all cases of casualities. trauma, accidents and medical emergencies. * A full fledged diagnositc setup with round the clock central laboratory, capable of performing all soprts of tests. * Ultramodern imaging faciliteis under Radio diagnosis depatment with X-ray, Ultrasound, Doppler, CT Scan and MRI Scan facilities. * A state-of-the-art-Blood Bank. * A state-of-the-art- OT complex with modular OTs, CSD, recovery facilities. * An intensive care section having ICU, ICCU, NICU, PICU, and dialysis. * Spacious wards, treatment rooms with all other facilities. * ModernPhysiotherapy unit. * Modern kitchen. Residential Campus: An integrated residential campus shall be developed which shall have quarters for: * Principal, Vice-Principal and Medical Superintendent * Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors * Registrars/ Demonstrators * Grade-III, Technical and Nursing staff * Grade-IV staff. Hostels and other facilties The Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College shall have: * Students' hostels ofr boys and girls. * Interns hostes * Bank * Police out-post * Dharmashala for partients' attendants * Power substation * Modern water supply and STP The staff component * The Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College & Hospital shall have the following staff:
Tenders & Notice
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